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Window Maintenance and Repair

window cleaning in greenville scWhen most people think about home maintenance or getting their home ready for the real estate market they often overlook their windows. Window maintenance is very important in keeping your windows in good condition. Properly maintained windows will enhance the security and appearance of your home. Elements such as rain, dust, temperature changes and debris all contribute to damaging your windows. Below are a few tips for maintaining your windows.

Clean Your Windows

There is more to cleaning your windows than just cleaning the glass. Cleaning the window frame is just as important as keeping the glass sparkling clean. If you have wooden windows you need to wipe them down regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. Do not use too much water because the moisture can cause the wood to begin to rot. If you have vinyl or aluminum framed windows, washing them using a soft brush with a mild detergent will do the trick.

You also want to clean the window casing and the adjacent wall area to reduce dirt and dust build-up in the window components, which can cause your windows to jam.

Inspect Your Windows Regularly

You should inspect your windows every season. Inspect the condition of the window frame, sash weather stripping and look for signs of rotting. Also look for signs of moisture in double or triple-paned windows. Moisture inbetween the panes of glass indicates that the seal has failed and has to be replaced. If the seal has failed, this will reduce the insulation capacity of your windows. Check for any gaps between the window casing and the wall. If there are gaps they can be filled in with latex caulk.

Window damage can be caused by the sun. The sun can cause parts of the frame to become warped and brittle and cause the paint to peel off.

Window Sealing

If you have gaps around your window, this will allow air to flow in. This reduces your homes energy efficiency and lead to higher energy costs. You can reduce air and water leaks by replacing any worn out rubber seals. This will also help secure the window in place. Using spray-form insulation or caulk is a great way to seal your windows.

Re-Painting Your Windows

It is recommended that you re-paint your wooden and/or metal window frames every 3 to 4 years. This will help protect them from the elements and maintains their appearance. Always clean your windows thoroughly before re-painting your windows. I will want to make sure that you do not paint over any moving parts or a shut window because this will cause the window to get stuck.

Damaged Window Parts

The longer you to wait to repair any damaged areas, the more the window will deteriorate. Repair all cracks, holes, and splinters in the window as soon as possible. Once you find the rotted sections in your wooden windows, you can use a screwdriver to clean out the bad wood and then fill the cracks and holes with epoxy putty. You should use several layers for the best results. Once the putty dries, smooth the area with sandpaper and then apply primer and paint.

If you have a window that has cracked or broken glass you will need to repair this immediately to secure your home and prevents accidental cuts by the broken glass.

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