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Are Your Gutters Prepared for April Showers?

window cleaning in greenville scYour gutters are the first line of defense when it comes to protecting your house from rain. Gutters collect and reroute rainwater from your roof and sends it flowing away from your house. This is very important in preventing leaks and moisture damage in and around your home. When your gutter system becomes clogged it doesn't work properly. This can cause water runoff that can damage your landscaping and eventually your foundation.

When water is allowed to pool too close to your home, it can cause major damage over time, including:

  • Wood rot.
  • Moisture build-up under the roof, causing leaks.
  • Water build-up inside your home causing mold and mildew.
  • Landscape erosion.
  • Siding problems or other exterior damage.

Also, water pooling on the ground can becom a breeding ground for bacteria and mosquitoes.

If your gutters are not regularly cleaned, April showers can become a real headache that can turn into an expensive one too.

Make gutter cleaning a regular part of your cleaning routine to maintain the quality of your gutters and home. You can choose to do it yourself or contact Upstate Window and Gutter Cleaning, inc in Greenville, a trusted gutter cleaning professional. For homes or larger properties, a professional gutter cleaner saves you time and ensures that you get value for your money by keeping your gutters free from clogging.

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